Monday 4 April 2011

Eve has a lot to answer for ...

As you may have noticed my blogging has been non existent for a while now due to a horrible dose of morning sickness, which is while we are on the subject a completely useless term obviously thought of by a man, if you are like me and many other women you fill sick in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and when you get up to go to the toilet for the tenth time you realise you feel sick in the night too. Sadly the computer has been a no go area for me as has all of my other lovely crafty habits, all replaced with lying on the sofa watching telly trying not to be sick or moan again about feeling sick. At least I have been cured of my inability to go to bed before midnight, if I'm still up at 10 pm it's a miracle. Thankfully the darkness is passing and I can see light at the end of the tunnel and I am now almost back to normal daily living and starting to get excited (or should that be scared) at the thought of number 2 ... as my husband says "in for a penny in for a pound!"

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